Why you Should Avoid Cleansing Your Skin with Tap Water?

Why you Should Avoid Cleansing Your Skin with Tap Water?

Why you Should Avoid Cleansing Your Skin with Tap Water?

Living in a first world country such as Australia, we assume that our tap water is really safe and clean. Well, comparing to a third world country our water is probably sparkling clean.

But surprisingly you may not know that normal tap water water contains plenty of microscopic contaminates and chemicals that can become harmful to your skin and health in the long run. Scientific studies reveal that the concentration of chlorine found in Australian tap water can become a skin irritant and culprit of many skin disorders including acne, eczema and various kinds of rashes.

Chlorinated water destroys vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Loss of these fatty acids results in acne breakouts, skin dryness and skin rash. If consumed, it can upset the intestinal flora by destroying the good bacteria for digestion and the preparation of vitamin K in the alimentary canal. Not to mention all the hidden contaminants that can cause stomach upset such as diarrhea.

J Lo’s hidden Secret

Jennifer Lopez shared that one of her beauty secrets for maintaining smooth glowing skin is using only mineral spring bottled water when cleansing. — Not many of us can bask in such luxury. Consider that you wash daily and use at least a litre of water to cleanse your face, and at least 10 litres to cleanse your body, the mineral water bill can add up in the long run.

For those of us that don’t have a 7 figure yearly paycheck, don’t despair. We all can enjoy the beauty benefits of cleaner water by installing a water filter to our taps and shower heads to eliminate any harmful substances and chemicals (such as chlorine) from your cleansing routine. It’s a great investment both for your skin and for your health.

Shop around carefully when selecting the right water filter for your home. Some water filters are cheaper than others, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is!

For those that are interested, below are the types of filtration systems to look out for:

One type of water filter system is the absorption filters. These filters are commonly carbon based or are activated charcoal systems. These systems reduce or remove several chemicals and particles from the water, in addition to some organic matter. If chlorine is a problem, this kind of filtration system works well. It also assists to reduce or remove pesticides from water sources if this is a problem.

Another type of water filter system is the particle filter that is also called either a mechanical filter or a micro filtration unit. This type of filter removes particles from the water source like sand and dangerous bacteria. This sort of filter can help to remove particular pathogens such as Giardia from water supplies and it is a form of filtration system which is often used when camping or backpacking.

Often, the absorption and particle filters are utilized along with each other so that more materials and bacteria can be removed from the water. The problem with these systems is that the filters will get clogged with prolonged use, so the manufacturer’s recommendations for changing the filters have to be strictly followed for great filtration. In addition, the filters themselves will release microbial growth in the water if they are not changed often enough, resulting in additional contaminants in the water.

Reverse osmosis water filtration systems utilize a membrane that has microscopic holes in it that just allow water molecules to pass through this, therefore getting the pollutants in water. This sort of system is great for catching chemicals in water as well as minerals and metals which can be unsafe to humans. In addition, things like arsenic and fluoride can also be caught by this system. The downside of this type of water filter system is that the membrane is delicate and chlorine removal is sometimes needed as a pre-treatment before the water hits the reverse osmosis system.

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