Schmidts Natural Tooth and Mouth Paste

Schmidts Natural Tooth and Mouth Paste

Schmidts Natural Tooth and Mouth Paste

You’ve never tasted toothpaste like this before until you’ve tried Schmidt’s new breath freshening and teeth whitening toothpaste. Schmidts Tooth + Mouth Paste helps freshen breath and whiten teeth with regular brushing along with vitamins and superfood extracts to nourish gums so you can brush with confidence.

Comes in 3 amazing flavors of:

1) Wondermint
2) Activated Charcoal
3) Vanilla Chai


1) Wondermint: Cool refreshing sensation for the classic minty taste.
2) Activated Charcoal with Wondermint: is Schmidt’s signature toothpaste with the activated charcoal to purify and help gradual teeth whitening without the abrasiveness of conventional chemicals.
3) Vanilla Chai: A nice spicy taste of giner, clove and balanced with sweet vanilla to give a subtle musky experience.

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