Organic Products – Health & Environmental Benefits

A Super Natural Summer Glow

A Super Natural Summer Glow

This article may disturb some readers. It contains information about the shocking truth of conventional plant and animal farming techniques.
Most crops in Australia are grown with the aid of toxic synthetic chemicals including pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and fungicides. Toxic residues from these chemicals are found on conventionally grown fruit, herbs, plants and vegetables and even snacks, skin care products and clothing.

Most farm animals raised, are being injected with hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals to increase production and to treat animal deceases. These hormones (e.g growth hormones) will be found in conventionally meat produce, and research have shown to have harmful effects on human health.

Through organic farming, we are able to improve our land and environment through better soil combination, cleaner waterways, protection of native biodivesity, improve agricultural processes, produce better quality plants and food ingredients and show greater compassion to animal welfare.



Organic agriculture protects both humans and the environment from these unknown risks by using sustainable methods such as crop rotation, natural soil enrichment, and pest predators. These methods protect native biodiversity and promote soil stability and fertility without the leaching of essential nutrients that occurs in conventional systems.


Did you know that only about 1% of pesticides sprayed onto crops actually get to the pests while the other 99% enters our environment through contaminated soil and waterways. Organic farming means better soil and cleaner waterways.


Pesticides used in growing common crops such as fruit, corn, cotton, soybeans, and tobacco have been found to have high toxicity to birds, mammals, and fish. Contamination of soil and groundwater changes the land and aquatic environment and poses threats to native wildlife. Many species dependent on high water quality are now endangered.


Genetically modified crops have had specific parts of their genomes altered in order to improve growth, enhance their nutritional value, or increase their resistance to pests. However, many of the risks of GMOs remain untested. Environmental risks of GMOs include gene transfer to wild relatives, evolution of resistance to pest-control genes, and poisoned wildlife.


If you ever visit a commercial animal farm, the conditions may come as a bit of a shock you. Conditions for raising animals on commercial farms and feedlots are quite cruel indeed. Conditions will prevent them from following a normal rate of growth and development. For example, a indoor chicken farm have hens living in cages that are too small for them to even turn around, and are bred to reach four pounds in just six weeks by treating them with hormones. Many die because their heart and lungs cannot support this rate of growth, and the unnatural indoor conditions compromises their immune systems, leading to increased use of antibiotics and vaccines.

Organic farming on the other hand will provide better conditions for animals. It is also worthy to note that all certified organic meat comes from animals that have only eaten organic food. Organic farming uses natural methods to maximize production, such as keeping cattle on their preferred grass-fed diet and allowing chickens to free range.


Antibiotics are so widely used in our society today and this abusive use may pose a risk for a antibiotic resistant epedemic which may threaten our ability to fight infections in the future. Conventionally raised farm animals are routinely given antibiotics to promote growth and to fight off infections. The consumption of such antibiotic infected meat may enhance the evolution of antibiotic resistant bateria.


From the food we eat, to the products we use, we are ultimately the main beneficiaries as a result of organic farming and harvesting. Fruits are sweeter, vegetables have more flavour and meats are more nutritious to our bodies and organically derived products are free from harmful toxic chemicals. Know that the next time you eat an organic apple, you are eating a fruit free from pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, fungicides, and artificial additives. Or the next time you enjoy a piece of organic steak, you are eating a meat free from hormones, antibiotics, and toxins.

As people are becoming more educated with the harmful effects of conventional farming, more and more people are turning to a healthier organic alternative. Organic ingredients, organic foods and organic products have become very popular across the nation and are now highly in demand. However the fact is clear that organic farms will require more labor and therefore more cost in production. Organic produce is normally retailed at a premium of 20 – 30% and the price is still a barrier for people to make the organic conversion. Inevitably, as demand for organic produce increases even more, the price will eventual drop.


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One thought on “Organic Products – Health & Environmental Benefits

  1. Organic Food Coupons

    Loved your insight!! For once someone got everything correct!! Would you mind if I put a blogroll link back to your post? 🙂


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