Natural Sunburn Remedies

Natural Sunburn Remedies

Natural Sunburn Remedies

We’ve written plenty articles on the importance of sun protection on this blog, and I’m sure with the countless advertising campaigns from the cancer council, most of you are well aware of the need to keep your skin protected from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

But sh** happens – You forget to put on sunscreen before your son’s soccer game. You fall asleep at the beach. You forgot to reapply your sunscreen at an all day barbeque. A cloudy rainy day suddenly turns into a scorching sunny day…………………. By the time you get home from your activities, you are left looking like a carrot.


You can’t turn back the clock. Severe damage has been done to your skin. But what you can do is stop further damage. There are many skin care products and homemade remedies that you can use to alleviate the burning sensation and heal any skin damages. Treatment should be applied promptly to stop any further pain.

* Start with a bit of plant relieve by applying aloe vera all over your body. If you have an aloe vera plant at home, break off the leaves and squeeze out the gel and apply it all over your face and body. The aloe vera works as an anti-inflammatory to calm your skin and the anti-bacterial properties help to kill off any damaging organisms. If you don’t have an aloe plant at home (not many of us do), then you may like to try Sukin Aloe Vera Gel.

* Is your skin burning and screaming for help? Relieve that unbearable stinging feeling with a baking soda remedy. Dissolve 2 cups of baking soda into a tub of cool to warm water. Soak for 10 to 20 minutes, then dry yourself and apply the aloe vera gel. Baking soda is cooling and will help the skin retain moisture. Works like magic.

* To reduce the red puffiness around your eyes, lye down and apply slices of cucumber for 15 minutes. You can also gently rub the cucumber slices across your face and body to enjoy the cooling sensation.

* Normally after you sunburn, your skin will start to peel. Apply apple cider vinegar to prevent blistering and peeling.

* Keep your skin well moisturised at all time using a hydrating body lotion or body oil. Burts Bees Soothing Aloe and Buttermilk Lotion is a great after sun moisturiser.

* Stay hydrated internally by drinking lots of water. NO coffees and NO alcohol, just water.


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3 thoughts on “Natural Sunburn Remedies

  1. Mayo

    What you use on your skin can either help it or harm it, depending on what’s in the product.

    Therefore, it’s important to consider the ingredients in ALL the products you use – like those on your hair as well as your skin. Research is showing a buildup of chemicals on the skin can cause acne, dryness (which leads to prematurely aging skin) and skin cancer.

    Skin with rosacea tends to be even more sensitive to these toxins.

    With so many manufacturers using chemicals in their products, almost any product – cleansers, moisturizers, shampoos, conditioners, hair gels and sunscreens – can be causing breakouts on your face and body.

    Here’s a page that shows what to look for in organic products as well as ingredients to avoid in skin and hair care products.

    To find chemical-free products, read labels and research ingredients – or start with certified organic products whose ingredients don’t contain harmful chemicals.

    If you make your own skin care products, use organic ingredients. They cost a little more however keep chemicals off your skin and out of your system.

  2. squalene skin care

    My mother often told me about cucumber remedy but I didn’t know there are others. Great post.

  3. certified organic makeup

    Really nice tips this is very helpful for all. You can also gently rub the cucumber slices across your face and body to enjoy the cooling sensation. You sunburn your skin will start to peel. Apply apple cider vinegar to prevent blistering and peeling. Keep your skin protected from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Thanks for sharing with us.


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