Natural Deodorant vs Chemical Deodorant

Natural Deodorant vs Chemical Deodorant

Natural Deodorant vs Chemical Deodorant

While there is no concrete proof yet that the chemicals used in deodorant and anti-perspirant sprays cause breast cancer, it may be wise NOT TO apply a mixture of chemicals under the arms and around the breast area for extended periods of time, as this could cause a build-up of toxic overload in the long term.

Deodorant sprays work by trying to destroy and reduce the bacteria on the skin and uses strong artificial fragrances to mask the bad bacteria smells. Common chemicals used include propylene glycol, parabens and triclosan.


– Propylene glycol is a chemical solvent and humectant, it has been related to a variety of disorders from liver abnormalities, kidney damage and depression to allergic dermatitis and eczema.
– Parabens is particular concern to women as increased exposure to exogenous sources of oestrogen has been linked to increased risk of breast and uterine cancer. People exposed to these chemicals accumulate it in their bodies.
– Triclosan, a broad-spectrum anti bacterial agent used in some deodorants, has been found in some instances to cause allergic contact dermatitis and , over the long term, to cause liver damage in animals and encourage “anti-bacterial resistant bugs”.

For a natural deodarant free from aluminium , propylene glycol, parabens and other harmful ingredients try Sukin’s organic natural deodorant spray. It eliminates the bacteria that causes adour using aroma-therapeutic essential oils of tangerine, mandarin, lavender and vanilla extracts to leave you smelling fresh and clean.

What about Antiperspirant sprays?
Antiperspirants works by stopping the sweat from leaving the skin by blocking the pores. They work by forming tiny plugs where the sweat gland ducts open onto the skin surface. This stops the sweat emerging, keeping things dry.

Almost all chemical deodorants include aluminum chloride, aluminum chlorohydrate, and aluminum-zirconium compounds because it forms a bond that clogs up the sweat glands.These need to remain in the pores for a long time to work effectively, so they are easily absorbed into the bloodstream. As stated by various naturalpaths, heavy anti-perspirant use over long periods of time could be contributing to the rising rate of breast cancer.


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2 thoughts on “Natural Deodorant vs Chemical Deodorant

  1. Charlotte Wright

    Eczema is really so itchy and i cant help but scratch it. Corticosteroid is a heaven sent because it can relieve the itchiness and redness. .

  2. Sandy Swiss

    I have so many allergies that wearing any type of fragrance or deodorant can be dreadful. As we all know deodorant is super important and for years I searched for a natural deodorant and was unsuccessful. My friend told me about Lavanila products and how they are made with natural ingredients. They were designed by lavanila for people like me with super sensitive allergies. I use their products with success and recommend them to anyone with severe allergies like myself!


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