Less is More Seal of Approval
SEAL OF APPROVAL. All Less is More products are now not only natural but are also certified organic by Austria Bio Garantie in accordance with the Austrian Food Code (OLMB) ) and since last year as well as by COSMOS standard through the label COSMOS organic.
What’s new in 2018 for Less is More?
Organic is only the beginning for Less is more. As we would like to correspond to these strict guidelines from Cosmos Organic, some small product changes are necessary. These adaptions only affect the visual appearance of the product and not its functionality or its scents. The following products are concerned:
* Thyme Lacque
* Herbal Tonic
* Proteinspray
* Lindengloss Finishing Spray
The adjustment will be carried out in a running change, meaning as soon as old
stocks are sold, new adapted products will be delivered. This can already be the
case from February 2018 onwards.