Homemade Bath Bomb Guide
Homemade bath bombs make perfect (and inexpensive) Christmas gifts for almost everyone on your list. Who doesn’t love a good soak in the tub? And with the lovely scents and healing salts in bath bombs you can make that experience an even more enjoyable one. Here’s our guide to making these bath fizzies DIY-style and some of the benefits of homemade bath bombs.
Benefits of Homemade Bath Bombs
Before we get into the nitty gritty of how to make bath bombs let’s look at few of their benefits, especially the homemade variety.
Homemade bath bombs don’t contain any harmful ingredients. One of the great things about making bath bombs yourself is that you don’t have to include any artificial dyes or chemicals. Most of the ingredients are things you already have in your kitchen – such as baking soda and corn starch – and are generally safe for even the most sensitive skin.
Homemade bath bombs are healing. Epsom salt – one of the main ingredients in our bath bombs – relieves muscle aches and pain, reduces stress and anxiety, and even soothes sunburn. A natural anti-inflammatory, Epsom salt helps relax both body and the mind thanks to high levels of magnesium. When dissolved in warm water it’s easily absorbed by the skin, so have a good soak for maximum benefit.
Homemade bath bombs are good for your skin. Thanks the anti-aging power of citric acid, bath bombs will leave your skin looking younger and smoother. By loosening dead skin, citric acid allows younger, healthier skin to replace it. The oil in bath bombs is also great for dry skin – olive, sweet almond and coconut oil are all excellent natural moisturisers with a wide range of healing properties. Skin absorbs oil best when it’s warmed, so bath bombs are a great way to moisturise without feeling greasy.
Homemade bath bombs are calming. Set the stage for relaxation by using essential oils such as lavender, geranium, clary sage and bergamot in your bath bombs – think of each one like a mini aromatherapy session. Check out our range of essential oils to find the perfect, relaxing scent for your bath bombs.
What You Will Need to Make Bath Bombs
First, you will need to pull together your ingredients. Choose organic and natural products whenever possible. For a batch of approximately 12 bath bombs you’ll need:
• 8 ounces of baking soda
• 4 ounces of citric acid
• 4 ounces of corn starch
• 4 ounces of Epsom salt
• 2 tablespoons of oil (olive, sweet almond or coconut are all great options)
• 10 – 20 drops of essential oils (for scent)
• 2 teaspoons of water
• 4 – 6 drops of food colouring
If you want added soothing for your skin, try witch hazel in place of water. You can also add dried flower petals or biodegradable glitter to jazz things up.
Next, you’ll need to decide on your moulds. Silicone moulds make a great choice. Check out your local craft store – they’re bound to have lots of options, including Christmas shapes. You can also use cupcake tins or any other greased container.
How to Make Bath Bombs
Making bath bombs is a great project to do on your own, or with the kids. All of the ingredients are kid-safe and it’s a great activity to keep them busy when they’re off school for the holidays.
1. Whisk the dry ingredients (baking soda, citric acid, corn starch and Epsom salt) together in a large bowl. Include dried flower petals or biodegradable glitter, if using.
2. Combine the oil, water, food colouring and essential oils in a jar with a lid so you can shake to mix thoroughly.
3. You don’t want to activate the fizzy parts so add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients very slowly – a few drops to at a time or a teaspoon at a time. Keep whisking as you add the liquid. In the end the mixture should just barely hold together – think damp sand.
4. Now you’ve got to pick up the pace a bit. You don’t want the mixture to dry out in the bowl. Tightly pack the mixture into your moulds. Let them dry for at least 24 hours or until hardened. Once you’re certain they’re dry, pop them out of the moulds.
5. Wrap in plastic wrap. Store in a dry place until you’re ready to use them, or give them as gifts.
Now that you’ve done all the hard work, go on, try out one of your new creations and have a relaxing soak in the tub. Let that Christmas stress dissolve with your bath bomb.
Not the DIY-type? No worries, we’ve got a lovely range of bath bombs by SOWKH. These beautiful bath bombs contain only natural, non-toxic ingredients and are handcrafted in small batches.