Green Your Bathroom with a Moss Mat

Green Your Bathroom with a Moss Mat

Green Your Bathroom with a Moss Mat

Simplicity is the key to great ideas and building great products. This is exactly what Switzerland designer Nguyen La Chanh had in mind when she came up with the ‘Moss carpet’.

The moss carpet is a green eco bath mat made simply from living moss and plastazote. The moss comes with 3 varieties including forest moss, island moss and ball moss, while the plastazote is a decay-free foam built for durability.


This sustainable bath map requires little care and minimal maintenance. The only requirement is that you need to have regular showers to keep the moss mat moist (So not suitable for those that like to have weekly showers).

YES! The moss is living, and it does require water to stay alive. It flourishes in damp, humid places, making the bathroom an ideal home for these comfy carpets. All it needs is the steam from the shower and the water droplets from your body to survive.

The moss mat is a great way to green your home by having a living plant in your bathroom. Along with a stylish eco design this ‘living thing’ is a sure winner.


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2 thoughts on “Green Your Bathroom with a Moss Mat

  1. Steve

    Hi, I’m desperately searching for a real moss bath mat in Australia. Do you ship to Melbourne, Australia?


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