Foods for Healthy Shinning Hair

Foods for Healthy Shinning Hair

Foods for Healthy Shinning Hair

Smooth shinning hair brings confidence and beauty. That’s why most women strive for the long straight hair look.

Shampoo and conditioning alone will not give your hair the luscious shine. Your diet and hereditary factors plays an important role.

Regardless of the the shampoo or conditioner you use, some of us are just born with naturally beautiful hair. People with a European or Asian heritage is born with finer thinner straighter strands of hair, whereas those from an African descent are born with courser thicker frizzier hair.

“Our genetic disposition is something we can not change, but a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of growth-promoting protein and iron can make a big difference”, says nutrition and hair care expert Dr Revere.

It is important to consume nutritious foods that will provide all the necessary nutrients in order to maintain healthy and strong hair


As a general rule of thumb, foods which encourage healthy hair growth should include plenty of vitmain A, B complex C and E, plenty of essential fatty acids and plenty of zinc. These includes dark vegetables such as spinach or carrots, dried nuts such as walnuts and pumpkin seeds, fruits such as avocado and bananas and fish such as salmon and tuna.


Salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, albacore tuna, among others, are great for thin or dry hair. These are all loaded with omega-3  fatty acids and is a high source of protein.

Dark Vegetables & Carrots

Spinach contains vitamins A and C which your body needs in order to produce sebum , while carrots are great for the scalp.

Nuts, Seeds & Dry Foods

Essential fatty acids are found in dry fruits, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds. An important source of Vitamin B 12 is also available.


Legumes like kidney beans and lentils provide proteins that stimulate hair growth. It’s also rich in zinc beneficial for cell reproduction, tissue growth and repair of broken tissues.


Apart from beans, poultry meat is also a great source of protein for hair growth

Wholegrains, Bananas, Dairy and eggs

I’ve grouped these foods together because they all provide your hair with the vitamin B complex needed for healthy hair. Vitamin B7, B8 and B 12 can be found in eggs and dairy, B6 can be found in bananas and wholegrains.


A rich source of vitamin E to act as an antioxidant to prevent free radical damage in biological membranes.


When it comes to comes to optimal nutrition for maintaining healthy hair, it comes down to one word ‘BALANCE’.


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