Does Investing In Beauty Yield Good or Bad Returns?

Does Investing In Beauty Yield Good or Bad Returns?

Does Investing In Beauty Yield Good or Bad Returns?

Properties, stocks, antiques and collectables are all great investment vehicles for yielding good financial returns.

Similarly, investing in your beauty can yield returns which can lead to so many benefits to your life.

The reality is, we live in a superficial society. We put so much significance to physical beauty and it permeates our culture. Humans respond favorably to pretty and beautiful things.

This society-bias unfairly shapes our opinions of people we barely know, and unfairly discriminates those which are unattractive (especially girls).

You can say  “it’s what’s inside that counts”. TRUE, Looks can only go so far in life, and a killer personality and a clever mind is mighty attractive.

But on the flip side, ” would most guys  go up to girls thinking, man, I’ll bet she has good morals and a great personality.”

Beauty isn’t everything, but it helps with getting you further in life, and makes the path a little bit smoother.


Through natural selection, and thousands of years of evolution, good looks are often a sign of health and fertility. So evolution has conditioned us to prefer certain looks.

So is beauty really that important? The answer I believe is YES. Beauty leaves people a great first impression and will help open more doors for you.

– Beautiful people have an edge.

– Pretty girls are bathed in attention while the unattractive ones are virtually ignored

– Beautiful people get more friendly smiles.

– People may bend over backwards to do you favors or nice things for you.

– An attractive appearance is favorable for them to egage in the entertainment industry, like acting, singing, TVetc.

You might be thinking “It’s just not a fair world”……

That’s not true. Nature is fair, there is a compensation in this world for every advantage and every disadvantage you have. A blessing can become a curse and a curse can be a blessing in disguise. Beauty may have its advantages, but there are sometimes negative stigmas attached to a pretty face.

Being bimbo will only get you so far. People don’t take you seriously – they don’t think you have a brain.

– Beautiful people will get noticed and approached more, but have a higher chance of attracting jerks, arssholes, drunks and superficial idiots.

– A pretty face may find a rich husband. But the disloyal playboy husband may end up cheating.

– Many women like to be cruel to other women who they perceive as a threat due to their attractiveness.

– A beauty may get all the attention, but run the risk of being sexually harassed or harassed by woman who is jealous.


We now live in a culture where you can begin to level the playing field. With a bit of effort and dedication, both men and women can actually make themselves better looking.

But it’s not easy maintaining physical beauty. It’s about sacrifices. It’s about exercising to keep your body fit, it’s about cutting out on the junk food and eating healthy, it’s about keeping good hygiene to maintain a smooth complexion, it’s about keeping a healthy mind so that you extend your helping hand to those who are in need.

Investing in your beauty means taking care of your appearance so you look and feel their best always, carrying with you an unshakable confidence to achieve greater things in life. Looks combined with a solid education and the will to learn new things will get you very far in life.

Let Your Natural Beauty Shine!

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2 thoughts on “Does Investing In Beauty Yield Good or Bad Returns?

  1. wrinkle creams

    it really depends on your priority, if you choose to invest on beauty you should determine first if you can afford it.

  2. Skin Care

    As the old saying goes – “everything has a downside.” It might seem unfair that some are strikingly, drop-dead gorgeous while some are “normal” (since no one really is ‘ugly’), but what’s more important is being comfortable in your skin. Utilizing what you have can lead to greater results that renders physical labeling unimportant.


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