Category Archives: ANTI-AGING

Find out all the natural organic anti-aging methods and tips to look youthful.

Vitamin A Skin Care Benefits

Vitamin A Skin Care Benefits

Vitamin A Skin Care Benefits

Vitamin A derived skin care products can be found in many anti-aging beauty formulas. The antioxidant effect of vitamin A helps rejuvenate the skin from deep down within the collagen fibres working hard to reverse damages caused by free radicals from sun damage, smoking and other environmental factors.

Keep in mind that excessive vitamin A is not excreted like vitamin C or B. Vitamin A Is a fat soluble vitamin meaning that it is stored in the body. Eating a couple of carrots is not going to hurt. Natural sources of beta carotine is not converted to vitamin A until until your body converts it when necessary. Synthetic man-made vitamin A such as Tretinoin is a different story. Large doses can become toxic and in some cases lethal.


Vitamin C Skin Care Benefits

Vitamin C Skin Care Benefits

Vitamin C Skin Care Benefits

The human body does not produce Vitamin C and it needs to be taken in our diet or as dietary supplements. The good thing is that vitamin C is readily available in many plant and animal sources such as broccoli, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables, papaya, orange, lemons, grapefruit, mango, calf liver, beef liver, pork, and cow milk. Vitamin C in the form of L-ascorbic acid can also be taken through synthetic sources, in the form of drinks, capsules, and tablets and can be applied to skin in the form of lotions and creams.

Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) has proven effectiveness to stimulate collagen synthesis, treat sun damaged skin, protect skin by neutralizing free radicals and prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Find Out More About Vitamin C Skin Care Benefits


Vitamin E Skin Care Benefits

Vitamin E Skin Care Benefits

Vitamin E Skin Care Benefits

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant with powerful skin healing properties that improves skin tone, fine lines, and even prevents skin cancer

Having a healthy balanced diet is the best way to get the vitamin E you need and to keep your skin looking it’s best. Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin meaning that it is stored in the body. Some foods rich in vitamin E include avocados, nuts, asparagus, olives and olive oil and spinach.

Read on to find out the anti-aging properties of vitamin E.


How Your Skin Ages From Birth to 100

How Your Skin Ages From Birth to 100

How Your Skin Ages From Birth to 100

Putting genetics aside, you’ll notice a significant difference in your skin with each decade of life. Every phase has its challenges.

From the day you were born, you’re faced with thin fragile skin that is prone to eczema and other sensitivities. As you move into your teenage years, the increased oil production leads to breakouts and blemishes. Moving pass your oily acne years, you’re now faced with drier more dehydrated skin and fighting against fine lines. And as you get pass your 50s, your collagen production becomes weak and elastins become fragile leading to the challenges of wrinkles and skin sagging.

So as you can see, every phase of life has new skin challenges. The main idea however, is to maintain a consistent skin care regime using the ‘right’ skin care products for various aging phases.

AGE IS ONLY A NUMBER. You can easily slow down the clock by maintaining a healthy diet, having regular sleeping and eating patterns, controlling your stress, participating in vigorous exercise and AVOIDING THE DIRECT SUNLIGHT…… REPEAT AGAIN……STAY OUT OF THE SUN.

Lets go through the the changes in your skin from 0 – 100.


Chocolate Skin Care Mask – Deliciously Tempting

Chocolate Skin Care Mask - Deliciously Tempting

Chocolate Skin Care Mask – Deliciously Tempting

Tired of using the same old conventional skin care Mask? Not that there is anything wrong with these products. In fact most of these ingredients are highly effective in beautifying your skin. But if you are adventurous like me and want to dive into something out of the ordinary, then you really need put ‘chocolate’ on the top of your next grocery list and stick your hand into a mixing bowl and start getting dirty.Now, I’m not going to bore you with details of all the hyped up benefits of chocolate skin treatments – “cocoa in chocolate is anti-aging” – “chocolate will smooth your skin” – “chocolate skin care will make skin glow“……da…di…da.

If you are going to cover yourself in chocolate, then do it for the fun and pleasure of it. I for one experimented with a chocolate facial mask simply for the thrill of covering myself up in chocolate. Being able to spend intimate time with my good friend “Choco” as well as being able to lick him off whenever I want it, made it that much more attractive to try this out this new kid on the block. Whether it has any benefits at all to my skin is not important to me, but the results of a softer complexion after my chocolate facial mask has proven to be a great bonus.


Puffy Eyes

Puffy Eyes

Puffy Eyes

Late nights, body dehydration, excessive alcohol, lack of sleep, computer work, allergies and even reading can all lead to swollen puffy eyes.

Normally, the eye puffiness you get in the morning when you wake up should calm down and disappear by mid-morning when the excessive eye fluid that has accumulated throughout the night is drained away. Swelling that doesn’t disappear rapidly once you’re out of bed is commonly caused by allergies, dehydration, or hormonal changes.


Top 5 Natural Anti Aging Skin Care Ingredients

Top 5 Natural Anti Aging Skin Care Ingredients

Top 5 Natural Anti Aging Skin Care Ingredients

So many anti aging skin care products to choose from. So many ingredients claiming to be anti-aging. And so many of these are TOXIC.  It’s become such a big head ache trying to find a product in the market that is non-toxic and contains natural anti aging ingredients that can actually help smooth those fine wrinkly lines on the face.

Let me try to save you some time. The next time you go to shop for your anti aging eye cream, anti aging serum, or anti aging face creams, look for products with the following anti aging skin care ingredients.

Coenzyme Q10
Cynergy TK
Phytessence Wakame
natural vitamin E
Green Tea & White Tea Extracts

These anti aging skin care ingredients are natural and most importantly, it has been proven to work. Find out more below.