Breast Cancer is NOT a Death Sentence

Breast Cancer is NOT a Death Sentence

Breast Cancer is NOT a Death Sentence

Breast cancer is the most common cancer and cancer related deaths among females in Australia. 

Breast cancer generally affects women after the age of 40 with 1  in 11 women being diagnosed before the age of 75. Research and medical intervention have come along way and survival rates are better than ever before. 

With the advances in today’s medical world, breast cancer is no longer a death sentence. Successful treatment is quite high, but early diagnosis is necessary.

Early diagnosis has been a big key at stabilising the mortality rates. Current advice is that women should ‘get to know their breasts’ and find out what’s ‘normal’ for them, rather than checking breasts in a regimented and prescriptive fashion.


Breast changes to look out for (from the National Breast Cancer Centre)  include:

  • a new lump or lumpiness, especially if it’s only in one breast
  • a change in the size or shape of your breast
  • a change to the nipple, such as crusting, ulcer, redness or inversion
  • a nipple discharge that occurs without squeezing
  • a change in the skin of your breast such as redness or dimpling
  • an unusual pain that doesn’t go away.

Now, don’t be alarmed if you feel a lump, or if there is a sudden increase or decrease in size. Your breasts will go through perfectly normal changes throughout your lifetime. They are affected by hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle, pregnancy, breastfeeding, the menopause (change of life) and weight loss or weight gain.

Breast awareness is about getting into the habit of looking at and feeling your breasts, to become familiar with the natural changes during various cycles or phases of your life. For example, the changes that occur during a stressful month, after sexual activities, or during your periods etc.

If you feel anything unusual, see your GP straight away. Don’t wait! Get a proper medical diagnosis to put your mind at ease. Don’t fear the possibility of discovering something you don’t want to hear. Remember most breast cancer can be treated with early intervention and lumps most of the time are benign and non-cancerous.

Treatment for breast cancer has come along way, but ongoing research is needed to make a bigger difference in the future.

Research means funding!

Join this year’s Mother’s Day fun run to to raise funds for breast cancer research. It’s a key fundraising events for the year, if you are interested in participating or if you just want to volunteer your time to help out on the day, simply register at

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2 thoughts on “Breast Cancer is NOT a Death Sentence

  1. organic skin care products

    I agree with the author that is like any kinds of cancer, patients have large chance of survive if they are treated early. Moreover, new modern equipments are very effective for cancer treatment.Thanks

  2. mothers day quotes

    Mother’s Love is the only Love which last forever and ever and is the most finest Love in the World.


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