Great gel for burns
I just tried your Combudoron Cooling Gel. It's the best stuff I ever used. When cooking last night hot oil splashed on my hand. I ran my hand under water for a few minutes, it was burning and red. I then put on your burn care and instantly the burning stopped and the red faded.The next day I could not believe my eyes my hand was like new know signs of the burn, just one spot that I missed putting the cream on was still read and hurt a little. Put the cream on the spot and it went away. I have been burned by hot oil before and nothing works like your burn care. Thank you, thank you. Simply the best. I am going to try more of your products.

Rashes be-gone
This is a letter of gratitude that I was compelled to send. I have used Weleda products for several years. My eleven-year-old daughter has been suffering with a very severe rash for several weeks. The medical doctors have given it a name of Giantti-Crosti. A virus caused it. My energy healer states the virus manifested in this way due to a trauma in her early childhood. I tried several over-the-counter and prescription creams to help her discomfort, with only minimal or no result. Finally I wised up and started putting SKIN FOOD on her rash. Wow! Incredible results.Thank you, thank you so much. It has brought her prompt relief and healing. Truly food for more than skin. Thank you for the love you put into your products as well as the fine ingredients.

Weleda is a health conscious brand that has set out to heal and nurture everyone, young and old, through its innovative health solutions and premier personal care formulations. The ultimate goal is to restore health and maintain wellbeing of every individual.
Most recently, the popular baby range in particular was voted #1 in the sort after "TIPS" award as the best product line for mothers and babies.
Experience Weleda skin care. Holistic products for the face, body, hair, hands and gentle enough for our children, and for our loved ones. Ingredients are sourced from biodymic natural fields and wild crafted gardens. When ever possible Weleda will use ingredients which is fair trade equalize humanity and will use bio packaging to reduce the world's carbon foot print.
It is vital part of the Weleda mission to support the health and beauty of every individual empower and relish in all the wonderful beauty of the world.
Let nature passionately speak to us through each of Weleda skin care products and to start the path of pure natural healing. Experience the powerful and potent antioxidants, essentail oils, organic ingredients, soothing plant extracts, and fatty acids.