Wonderful product range
The products are wonderful! When I used the shower gel in the shower, the armoa kept lingering after I got out. That hasn't happened with other products I've used. Incredible! Keep up the good work!
Dont change the formulation
I normally don't go through the trouble of contacting companies to tell them that I like their products, but I'm making an exception in your case. A few months ago I purchased your shower gel and have been hooked. I liked the product so much that I wanted to give friends bottles for Christmas, but the local health food store where I purchase it had run out of the scent I like the best: geranium-sage. Just last week I had them special order me two bottles of it so that I could give one to my sister.
I'm a fan of essential oils and have found that many of the products that claim to contain them carry such small amounts that the scent is barely detectable. Your product, however, is perfect. In fact, I'm convinced it has healing properties of some sort. I used to use "Bath and Body Works" shower gels but wouldn't think of using them again - they feel so harsh compared to your product.
For a good friend
A friend gave me one of your soaps to try, and I absolutely love them!! I've been using handmade soaps for a while. I'm so glad that you don't use palm oil I despise it! I have very sensitive skin, and palm oil is very drying. Every time I tried to find a palm oil free soap, it was like looking for a needle in a hay stack. I was so surprised because almost all the natural soaps have palm oil in them to make the soap harder and lather more. I really give you guys props for saying no to palm oil! Thanks sooo much!!
Base is a social enterprise that empowers consumers to affect real change with their buying behaviour. This means that by buying and using our products, you will contribute to a lasting impact on the future of Australian communities. Base products are made from simple, high quality materials and are designed for gentle everyday use. Our soaps are naturally vegan, cruelty free and free from palm oil.
Our regular soap bars consist of a minimum of 6 ingredients:
OLIVE OIL: We get our olive oil as locally as possible. It always comes from Australia, but the exact location differs, depending on the year. In the past, we have managed to get it from just down the road, but at the moment we need to look further and get our olive oil from Victoria.
COCONUT OIL: Coconut oil is something we can’t affordably get from Australia, but we are working with some great Social Enterprises, doing amazing work in the Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste. Check out Kokonut Pacific and Los Palos Coconut Oil to find out more.
Both of these oils contribute to a gentle, long-lasting bar of soap with a nice lather.
LYE: Lye, aka Sodium Hydroxide, aka Caustic Soda is THE reason soap exists. It’s basically the magic ingredient that turns oils and fats into soap. It’s a funny ingredient, as on its own it’s powerful and can be dangerous, but mix it with oils and fats, and it turns into a gentle, very safe substance called soap. The actual lye is not present in the end products, which is why we mention saponified oils (saponified meaning the oils have reacted to the lye), rather than lye in the ingredients list.
ESSENTIAL OILS: We use many different essential oils, and they come from many different places. Essential oils are natural oils generated by distillation of the raw material. They are the forces behind our beautiful scents!
SODIUM LACTATE AND GLUCONATE: Sodium Lactate and Gluconate are ingredients derived from the natural fermentation of sugars in corn and beets. They give the soap a smoother texture and a better lather.